On Wednesday, 11 November our corporate advisory team’s partner, Ozofu ‘Latunde Ogiemudia was a panellist in a webinar hosted by our alliance partner Bowmans on Africa’s pharmaceuticals and healthcare sector.
Ozofu together with other panellists provided an overview of the regulation of this sector , focussing on unique issues and legal trends in key jurisdictions.
The session was facilitated by Julie Oppenheim, head, Pharmaceuticals and Healthcare Sector, Bowmans. The panel included:
- Bwalya Chilufya-Musonda, Partner, Bowmans, Zambia.
- Daniel Mwathe, Senior Associate, Bowmans, Kenya.
- Julie Oppenheim, Partner and Pharmaceutical and Healthcare, Bowmans, South Africa
- Ozofu Ogiemudia, Partner, Udo Udoma & Belo-Osagie, Nigeria.
- Micael Sehul, Aman Assefa & Associates Law Office, Ethiopia.
Click here to watch the webinar or copy and paste this URL in your browser to watch it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=2&v=0GuICp-rpkA&feature=emb_title